Saturday, March 26, 2011

In the Arms of Stone Angels by Jordan Dane REVIEW (A Debut Author Challenge Review)

In the Arms of Stone Angels by Jordan Dane

Released 3/22/2011 by Harlequin Teen

This book was an interesting novel about a girl and her friend and things that went terribly wrong. It is about finding answers even when you think it is too late. It focuses on friendship, love, family, heritage and mystery. The book alternates between first and third person which seems awkward at first but makes sense later on. The references to Native American culture were well researched. The characters were well thought out and the main character was easy to identify with. A solid Young Adult Debut from an established adult author. This book counts towards The Story Siren's Debut author challenge. It is definitely worth checking out 4/5 stars.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Rival by Sara Bennet-Wealer (a Debut Challenge Review)

Rival by Sara Bennet-Wealer
Released 2/15/2011 on HarperTeen
2 Stars (sorry... but not every book can be 5 stars!)

I didn't really like this book. The characters were just okay for me. The book alternates viewpoints between two characters (Brooke and Kathren) who are high school rivals. It also changes between different time frames to explain why they are rivals and that they used to be friends. The reasons are petty mostly. Alternating viewpoints (and timeframes) can be done well but in this case just left me confused. The ending felt unsatifying and unresolved. This book qualifies for The Debut Author Challenge hosted by The Story Siren. Other people may enjoy this book but it just wasn't for me. I do like the cover though. It is very pretty and has relevance to the story.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Delirium by Lauren Oliver Review

Delirium by Lauren Oliver Review

Delirium is a powerful dystopia novel about love, questioning the rules of society and self discovery. This novel is a beautifully written story about a future society where love is considered a disease. On a citizen's eighteenth birthday they undergo the procedure, curing them of the amor deliria nervosa (love) Lena never questions the society she lives in and looks forward to being cured. Until she starts to fall in love. The story is gripping, the society fascinating and the ending will leave you wondering... what now? I give this book 4/5 stars. It was a very good book. Delirium is now available in hardcover in bookstores in the US and online and is also available on Amazon Kindle.